
Nun Says Death Row Prisoner At Peace

This is an interesting article about David Paul Hammer, a death row prisoner in jail for 26 years, who is ready for his June 8 execution. He's also the death row inmate who will testify at Terry Nichols' trial about what he says Timothy McVeigh told him while they were in adjacent death row cells. He's also written a book.

Providence Sister Rita Clare Gerardot of St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind., who has been one of Hammer’s two spiritual advisers since March 2000,....She said Hammer also told her that incarceration is "like a slow death in a cage." In a recent statement shared by the Providence sister, Hammer said, "It is my hope that protests against capital punishment will be loud and vocal on the day before I am killed—not for me, but rather for the thousands of men and women still fighting against overwhelming odds for justice in their respective cases. There is no justice in capital punishment. It is revenge, pure and simple."

He was sentenced to die in 1998 after he pleaded guilty to the 1996 murder of Andrew Marti, his cellmate at the U.S. Penitentiary in Allenwood, Pa. At the time of the murder, Hammer was serving a federal sentence for escaping in the early 1980s from an Oklahoma state prison, where he was incarcerated for kidnapping and attempted murder.

Hammer will be the 4th federal prisoner executed since 2001, when the federal reinstated the death penalty after a 38 years suspension. His website is here.

He has completed two of the things that he really wanted to do," Sister Rita Clare said, "and that was to finish his autobiography, ‘The Final Escape,’ the bulk of which he wrote in solitary confinement in another prison, and ‘Secrets Worth Dying For,’ the book that he and (fellow inmate) Jeff Paul wrote about (Oklahoma City bomber) Timothy McVeigh with material that McVeigh shared with them."In March, Hammer was taken to Oklahoma to testify in the federal trial of Terry Nichols, McVeigh’s alleged accomplice in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people.

Sister Rita Clare said Hammer, who was abused as a child, is pleased that his paintings for Christmas cards have raised money for several ministries that help at-risk children. She said Hammer also is happy about being confirmed by Indianapolis Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein in October 2000 at the Terre Haute penitentiary.

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