
Is Chalabi on His Way Out?

Kevin at Political Animal says Chalabi may be on his way out.

At the top of the list of those likely to be jettisoned is Ahmed Chalabi, a Shiite politician who for years was a favorite of the Pentagon and the office of Vice President Cheney, and who was once expected to assume a powerful role after the ouster of Saddam Hussein, U.S. officials acknowledged.

Chalabi has increasingly alienated the Bush administration, including President Bush, in recent months, U.S. officials said. He generated anger in Washington yesterday when he said a new U.S. plan to allow some former officials of Hussein's ruling Baath Party and military to return to office is the equivalent of returning Nazis to power in Germany after World War II.

Josh Marshall has more. Twice, TChris has asked on Talkleft, Why Do We Pay Chalabi? . More on Chalabi and his role in the trial of Saddam here.

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