Roy Moore Loses Appeal
by TChris
Roy Moore, the former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court who lost his job by insisting that his desire to display the Ten Commandments on public property was more imporant than the Constitution, lost his latest bid to get the job back. Seven retired judges, serving in lieu of the Alabama Supreme Court over which Moore once presided, rejected his appeal from an ethics panel's order removing him from office.
Moore argued that federal courts have "no right to interfere in states' acknowledgments of God," a position that reads the Supremacy Clause out of the Constitution. Federal courts have not only the right but the duty to enforce constitutional protections when confronted by state officials who prefer to ignore them.
Unfortunately, we haven't heard the last of Moore.
Moore is behind a bill before Congress that would prohibit federal judges from hearing cases involving acknowledgments of God. The measure was expected to be heard by the House Judicial Committee later this year.
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