
Report: Al Qaeda Infiltrating our Prisons

TChris wrote last night about a new Justice Department report warns of infiltration by Al Qaeda in U.S. prisons:

Groups promoting extremist brands of Islam have gained a foothold in American prisons, and counterterrorism officials believe Al Qaeda are likely to try to use the prisons "to radicalize and recruit inmates," according to a Justice Department investigation.....the investigation found that the problem of "radicalized" prayer sessions was less a reflection of the chaplains than of unsupervised inmates who were allowed to lead their own worship meetings.

Muslim leaders are wary of the report.

Muslim leaders say they have been subjected to unfair scrutiny and criticism because of their religious beliefs. Several groups that have trained Muslim chaplains have vigorously denied charges of terrorist links, and Muslim leaders point out that charges linking a military chaplain at Guantánamo Bay to possible terrorism largely collapsed.

The report acknowledges the problem isn't widespread. The freedom to practice religion extends to inmates. We don't see how the feds can fairly and constitutionally place limits on Muslim inmates that they don't place on Christian, Jewish, or Buddhist inmates. The inmates must also be free to speak in their language of choice. Any limits on groups of prisoners associating with each other in prayer groups must apply across the board to prisoners of all denoninations or not at all. We think "not at all" is best.

And if faith-based prisons, which we oppose, here are some reasons, are to be tolerated, they must include programs for Muslims, not just Christians.

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