
Taguba Attacked By Right

by TChris

It had to happen. Say a critical word about the Bush administration or any of its activities, and the right-wing will launch an attack. It happened to Paul O'Neill. It happened to Richard Clarke. It happened to Gen. Shinseki. Now it's happening to Maj. Gen. Taguba.

The buzz in the right wing is that Taguba is "embittered" and has "a grudge against the Army." Right. That's why he's chosen to devote his life to serving his country in the military. At least they can't claim he's only trying to sell a book.

The assertion is that Taguba is bitter because his father, one of 10,000 Filipinos drafted to fight in World War II, wasn't properly recognized after 20 years of military service. So ... Taguba is getting even with the military by ... telling the truth? Or ... he's jeopardizing his career by fabricating a report because he has a grudge about the military's failure to honor his father? The logic in this attack is non-existent, but that's the way right-wing attacks work. Sadly, this one isn't likely to be the last.

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