
Making A Difference

by TChris

Can one person make a difference? It's easy to feel hopeless and overwhelmed, but Dick Dorworth reminds us that it's possible for one person to change the world.

Gandhi broke the back and spirit of British imperialism and created modern India.

Martin Luther King broke the back (but, sad to say, not the spirit) of institutionalized racism in America.

David Brower kept the Grand Canyon from being dammed.

Renee Askins got wolves re-introduced into Yellowstone and the American West.

An unknown Chinese man once stopped a tank in Tienanmen Square by simply standing his ground.

Daniel Ellesberg shortened the war in Vietnam by many months, if not years.

Someone leaked the photos of American military personnel torturing Iraqi prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison.

Some changes can only be made if we act together, but the individual act of voting can make a profound difference. Remember that, in November, a few minutes of your time can change the direction of our country.

Vote Kerry.

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