
The Rise and Fall of Ahmed Chalabi

The latest scandal to hit the Bush Administration following Abu Ghraib is that of the fall of Ahmed Chalabi. Josh Marshall of TalkingPoints Memo is covering it, his latest is here and here.

Alexander Cockburn has an in-depth, insightful review at Counterpunch.

Why the US Turned Against Their Former Golden Boy -- He was Preparing a Coup! What He Did as a Catspaw for Tehran: How He Nearly Bankrupted Jordan; the Billions He Stands to Make Out of the New Iraq.

The story becomes more important following the Bush Administration's decision to raid Chalabi's home and seize his files and amidst reports that Chalabi was giving American military secrets to Iran. As to the connection between Rumsfeld and Chalabi, go here.

TChris has been following Chalabi as well, here, here and here.

Kevin Drum at Political Animal forecast Chalabi's demise in April.

This story has legs, keep an eye on it.

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