
New Terror Threat: Political Ploy?

Our eyes rolled when we heard last night about the new terror threats. We immediately wondered if this was a planned response by the Bush team to pick up his falling approval ratings if Monday's speech didn't do the trick. Then we wondered if we were being too cynical. We concluded that Bush is becoming like the little boy who cried wolf too many times. Wouldn't it be a shame if there really was a threat and none of us gave it any credence because his administration has lost so much credibility?

We decided not to report on the terror threat. Very few liberal bloggers have. But, apparently we're not the only one to have this "doubting Thomas" reaction that it's a political ploy. Steve Soto at Left Coaster says:

So let’s take inventory. Bush tanks his major speech on Iraq. Bush sees poll numbers that show new lows in his approval ratings. Bush makes a scapegoat of one of his leading generals in Iraq to cover for Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and his vice president. So what is the Bush White House Standard Operating Procedure to shore up its gullible base and distract the public? Why, it must be time for another terrorist warning. And as usual, to show how credible and serious this threat is, it is based on no specified evidence or threat. ....the administration has no plans to raise the threat indicator......

We need a President we can trust. Bush doesn't make the cut. He isn't leading the country, he's on permanent damage control. He's sending Mueller and Ashcroft and Ridge out now to convince us. Forget it, we're no longer listening.

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