
Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash

Walter in Denver reminds us that the 3rd Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash is this Friday, May 28, at the Denver Press Club. The festivities begin around 7 pm. Address: 1330 Glenarm, Denver.

Various items will be available in a silent auction format, with proceeds benefitting The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

If you have anything you'd like to donate, contact Walter. He says you'll get some nice publicity for your trouble. Kudos to Zombyboy for the graphics and Darren Copeland for the lead on the Denver Press Club.

We will be there, although, we don't think we'll get drunk and start flinging subpoenas on the stage as Jeff Goldstein of the uber-right blog Protein Wisdom, predicts. On the other hand, you never know.

We just hope we finally get to meet Vodka Pundit in person It's been two years since we met via cyberspace, offering to buy him and his bride Melissa a drink on their next trip to Denver from Colorado Springs, and we're still waiting. Vodkapundit, like Instapundit, was an early and gracious linker to and supporter of TalkLeft -- despite the fact that our politics match only on occasion--when the Libertarian in them and the liberal in us strike the same chord.

If you're anywhere around Denver this Friday, please stop by. We can tell you from having attended a prior RMBB that the attendees definitely are a varied bunch of characters... and that a most excellent time is had by all.

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