
Gagging Padilla While DOJ Speaks

Nat Hentoff's new column in the Village Voice is Hoaxing the Supreme Court --it's on the Government's attempt to sway the high court with information recently released about Jose Padilla, while Padilla and his lawyers remain gagged. Hentoff does not believe James Comey. He thinks Comey is trying to influence Justice O'Connor:

I do not believe Mr. Comey. I believe this last-minute Hail Mary plea was in fact aimed at the most powerful woman in the country. During Supreme Court oral arguments in the Padilla and Hamdi cases, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor seemed likely, as often happens, to be the fifth and deciding vote, and of all the justices, she was the most conflicted as to how to rule. Will the government strategy backfire because the sudden fusillade against Padilla was so transparently an attempt to manipulate the Supreme Court?

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