
Bush and the Single Woman Voter

Both candidates are vying for the single, female voter. It's a big untapped block. The Village Voice examines their efforts, and says Bush is behind. From their press release on the article:

Almost 22 million single women voters sat out the last election. Since
pollsters recently realized that never married, divorced, and widowed females
make up the largest untapped voting bloc, both major parties have been engaged in a desperate scuffle for their votes. There's no question the candidates want single women, but do single women want the candidates? Sharon Lerner looks at the parties' pitiful pitches for the young, unattached female vote.

From the article:

Though many are lukewarm about the Democratic candidates (Sedaris says she is "not at all interested in or excited about Kerry" and Maldonado can only recall Al Gore as "what's his name, the guy who lost"), single women still gravitate toward the party. They're more concerned about social issues, more likely to be pro-choice, and more likely to oppose the war. In 2000, "what's his name" led Bush by 36 points among single women, whose numbers matched that of all African American, Hispanic, and Jewish voters combined. In a survey this March by "Women's Voices. Women Vote," 65 percent of single women said they believed the country was on the wrong track, as opposed to 51 percent of the total electorate. And that was before news about the torture of Iraqi prisoners deepened disgust and anger with the president.

Taking female votes from a president whose administration closed the White House Office on Women's Issues and had fact sheets about equal pay for women erased from government websites should be easy. The hitch for Kerry is that single women will only cast their ballots for him if they feel engaged enough to go to the polls in the first place. And even though political strategists think they're hot, these would-be swing voters feel taken for granted.

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