
Judge Upset by Paintball Terror Case Sentences

U.S. District Court Judge Lonnie Brinkema sentenced three defendants in the paintball terror case today. One got life, one got 85 years and one got 8 years. The Government described their criminal activity as

....training for holy war against the United States by playing paintball games in the Virginia woods as part of a jihad network.

Judge Brinkema was not happy about imposing the lengthy sentences:

Leonie M. Brinkema, the federal district judge who imposed the sentences, said that they were "draconian" but that she had no choice under federal law. "We have murderers who get far less time," Judge Brinkema said. "I've sent Al Qaeda members planning attacks on these shores to less time. This is sticking in my craw. Law and justice at times need to be in tune."

Judge Brinkema's comments are especially noteworthy since she was the judge who tried the case and found the defendants guilty--they had waived their right to a jury trial. She is also presiding over the on-again, off-again trial of Zacarias Moussaoui.

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