
Gephardt Criticizes Saudis

In response to news of the beheading of American Hostage Paul Johnson, Dick Gephardt has come out and blamed the Saudis for fostering terrorism.

"The royal family made a deal with the religious zealots," Gephardt said, adding that it has caused problems for the rest of the world.

Sen. Frank Lautenberg expressed similar views:

The Saudi Arabian government has shown too much patience for these terrorist cells and the ideologies of hate they preach. The United States will no longer tolerate Saudi neglect of the extremists and terrorists who live and thrive in the kingdom," the senator said in a written statement.

"All further relations with Saudi Arabia must be entirely contingent on the kingdom's progress cracking down, reigning in and snuffing out its terrorist problem," Lautenberg added. "Deeds -- not words -- must be the benchmark of Saudi progress in solving the terrorist problem that threatens its society as much as it threatens our own."

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