
Petition Filed to Oust Oklahoma Judge

Just when you think you've heard it all....A petition has been filed by the Oklahoma Attorney General to remove an Oklahoma judge for "pleasuring himself" on the bench, through the use of a "male enhancement pump." ....Smoking Gun has the petition here.The petition alleges he even used the pump while presiding over a murder trial. [link via Drudge.]

The Judge acknowledges the pump sat under the bench but denies using it and says it was a gag gift. Here's the details:

While seated on the bench, an Oklahoma judge used a male enhancement pump, shaved and oiled his nether region, and pleasured himself, state officials charged yesterday in a petition to remove the jurist. According to the below complaint filed by the Oklahoma Attorney General, Donald D. Thompson, 57, was caught in the act by a clerk, trial witnesses, and his longtime court reporter (these unsettling first-hand accounts will make you wonder what's going on under other black robes). Visitors to Thompson's Creek County courtroom reported hearing a "swooshing" sound coming from the bench, a noise the court reporter said "sounded like a blood pressure cuff being pumped up." Thompson, the complaint charges, even pumped himself up during an August 2003 murder trial. The AG's petition quotes Thompson (pictured above) as admitting that the pump was "under the bench" during the murder case (and at other times), but he denied using the item, which was supposedly a "gag gift from a friend."

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