
Evidence Against Passaro Previewed

by TChris

In an effort to convince a Magistrate to detain a suspect without bail, federal prosecutors typically give a preview of their evidence (sometimes accurately, sometimes wishfully) to demonstrate the strength of their case. The government previewed its case against David Passaro today while arguing that he should be detained pending his trial.

Three U.S. soldiers will testify that a former CIA contractor beat an Afghan detainee with a heavy flashlight 10 to 30 times and kicked the man so hard he came off the ground and later begged to be shot, a prosecutor said Friday.

The prosecutor said 82nd Airborne soldiers will testify that during one interrogation session, Passaro left the room and Wali begged one of the paratroopers guarding him "to please shoot me before the defendant returned."

Wali died three days after the alleged beating. The court has not yet ruled on the prosecution's request to detain Passaro.

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