
Militants Kill American Soldier (Not the Marine)

Iraq militants have been holding American soldier Keith Matthew Maupin since April when his convoy was attacked in Iraq. Al-Jazeera reported today that his captors say they have killed him.

Pentagon officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a videotape has surfaced in Baghdad that shows a person who was shot in the back of the head, but that the person was not identifiable.

The Arab satellite station aired video showing a blindfolded man sitting on the ground. Al-Jazeera said that in the next scene, gunmen shoot the man in the back of the head, in front of a hole dug in the ground. It did not show the killing. Maj. Willie Harris, public affairs spokesman for the Army's 88th Regional Readiness Command, said the videotape is being analyzed by the Department of Defense. "There is no confirmation at this time, that the tape contains footage of Matt Maupin or any other Army soldier," he said, adding that the Maupin family was briefed "as to the existence of a videotape."

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