
Nancy Pelosi Statement on Court's Detainee Decisions

House Democaratic leader Nancy Pelosi today released the following statement on the Supreme Court decisons with respect to the rights of detainees and Bush-defined "enemy combatants."

The Supreme Court's decisions in the Hamdi case and the case involving the Guantanamo detainees are triumphs for the rule of law. The notion that the President has the unchallengeable authority to define the circumstances of a person's detention, especially that of a United States citizen, is contrary to our nation's history and experience.

"The right to counsel and the right to contest government actions in court are among our most cherished liberties. We cannot, and we must not, allow our civil liberties contained in the Constitution to become a casualty in the war on terrorism. "The Supreme Court's decisions today are a timely reminder of the constant need to evaluate actions taken in the name of national security, no matter how well-intentioned those actions may be."

Where's Diane Feinstein? Still partnering up with Orin Hatch to draft bills that will diminish our rights? Nancy rocks in our book. Diane doesn't.

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