
Edwards Helps Kerry, Bush is in Trouble

Professor Donald Abelson, writing in the Toronto Star, explains why John Edwards will be a boost for Kerry. As to Kerry vs. Bush, he says,

Americans don't have to see Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 to figure out that Bush is in trouble. Even Bush knows he's in trouble. The president is counting on voters acknowledging what he was able to do for the nation after the tragic events of Sept. 11 and the leadership he has shown in trying to make the U.S. a safer place. This election is not about Kerry's liberalism, Edwards' populism or Bush's and Dick Cheney's steadfast commitment to rid the world of terrorists and the states that harbor them.

It is about the economic prosperity of the United States and its responsibility to restore world order. When all the votes are counted, let's hope that Americans, not the U.S. Supreme Court, decide who will occupy the Oval Office.

We'll agree that this year the voters should get the final say. But we think Professor Adelson gives too much credit to Bush and Cheney. By election day, if not months before, we predict the majority of American voters will be of the opinion that the only steadfast commitment Bush has is to justifying his unjustifiable war in Iraq. Between the 1,000 deaths of American soldiers, the holding of prisoners for two years without charges or access to lawyers, the Patriot Act and the failure of the Administration to find Osama or bring any real terrorists to justice (as oppposed to the flunky wannabes and persons in the wrong place at the wrong time)--as we've said before-- Bush is toast.

The pendulum has started swinging the other way. Choosing John Edwards as his running mate was the smartest decision John Kerry has made to date. They will win the election in November. They will save our Supreme Court, get rid of Ashcroft and restore our belief that the United States is a democracy providing equal justice for all. That's our position and we're sticking to it.

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