Say Hello
We're sorry to report that Classless Warfare (with Jay and Jane) is no more....but the good news is that Jay Caruso will keep blogging. His new blog is Mr. Blond's Garage. Now, we know Jay is a conservative, and he and TL don't agree on much, but we've always enjoyed reading him and will include the new blog on our "Best of the Other Side" blogroll. Jane, who also is a terrific blogger, can now be found at The Fat Guy.
More akin to our politics, we learn that Judd Leglum, who writes professionally for American Progress Report, has started his own blog, The Winning Argument.
And, there are the new kids in town. Go give them a read. Some are quite good.
One more: Now that the Bush twins have jumped into the campaign fray, here's a blog devoted to them. And Chelsea doesn't skate either.
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