
Grandmother Says Amber Frey Lied

The grandmother of Amber Frey's toddler said Amber lied in her court testimony--about the child's father not being interested in being with the child and about whether she ever left the child alone with Scott Peterson. Fodder for cross-examination? Grounds for widening the allowed scope of Geragos's cross-examination of Amber? Or is it too tangential to the issues?

Here's some stuff we think won't come into evidence:

Frey, 29, posed nude a few years ago, had a second baby out of wedlock 14 weeks ago.

The transcripts of Amber's and Scott's phone conversations are available here.

Update: What's in store for next week? From On the Record (guest host Claudia Cowan, Defense Attorney Mickey Sherman):

MICKEY SHERMAN: He's absolutely going to cross-examine her. All we're going to hear next week is all day, all night, all Amber TV. The Russians can invade Trenton, four more governors can resign, this is the number one story in the country because we just can't help ourselves. We're watching this train wreck.
CLAUDIA COWAN: And is he going to go hard or soft?
SHERMAN: I think he'll go soft at first until she opens the door, maybe he catches her in a lie, catches her being disingenuous about her cooperation with the police and then he hits her over the head with a mallet.

(Transcript via Lexis.com)

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