
Anti-Drug War Ads at the RNC

Drug Policy Alliance is working on placing a series of ads titled "The RIGHT Response to the War on Drugs" in the New York Sun and Roll Call during the Republican Convention, with quotes like:

"...I wouldn't be surprised if in 10 years or so you saw the conservative coalition come out for an end to drug prohibition." -- Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform

"Can any policy, however high-minded, be moral if it leads to widespread corruption, imprisons so many, has so racist an effect, destroys our inner cities, wreaks havoc on misguided and vulnerable individuals and brings death and destruction to foreign countries?" -- Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize Winner (Economic Science, 1976), Presidential Medal of Freedom (1988)

If you're one of the conservative commenters on TalkLeft, go on over and read the reasons conservatives should be opposed to the drug war. In a nutshell, the drug war amounts to unwanted government intrusion, has too high a price tag and is disasterous foreign policy.

[link via Drug War Rant.]

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