
Help Impeach Rumsfeld

John Kerry is not the only one calling for the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Congressman Charlie Rangel has been demanding it since 2003. Rangel established this website, StopRumsfeld.com which has a petiton. Go over and sign. Rangel writes today to Tom of Functional Ambivalent:

Today, Senator Kerry reiterated his call for Secretary Rumsfeld to resign. I have been calling for the Secretary to resign since November of 2003. The time has come for American citizens to assert their power to remove him from office by calling on their elected representatives to impeach Rumsfeld. Please join me in this effort by signing this petition to impeach him here.

It's not just Abu Ghraib and the failure of post-war planning. Read on:

Secretary Rumsfeld also deserves to be impeached because he perpetuated false premises that America was in imminent danger of attack from weapons of mass destruction and that Saddam Hussein was involved with al Qaeda's September 11, 2001 attack. He used funds appropriated for the action in Afghanistan to plan and develop the invasion of Iraq. He ignored the recommendations of top military leaders and sent American troops into war undermanned and under-equipped. He oversaw military prison facilities that violated the Geneva Convention and U.S. law, even after the Red Cross warned him of the violations, and then tried to cover up such violations.

Rumsfeld has shamefully violated the public trust and the Constitution. His behavior is what is truly meant by "high crimes and misdemeanors." That is why I have introduced articles of impeachment (HR629). And why I ask you today to force congressional Republicans to bring them to a vote by signing the petition.

ith only 68 days until the election, broad participation and a rapid response are essential to this effort. On September 22, I will submit this petition into the Congressional record to show members of Congress that their constituents support my articles of impeachment of Secretary Rumsfeld.

If each person who receives this message forwards it on to four friends, we will be able send an overwhelming message to the Congress to take action on this critical issue.
Sincerely, Charles Rangel Member of Congress

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