
Here Come the 9/11 Families

What would a political convention be without the party brass trotting out a few families of the 9/11 victims? The Democrats did the same in Boston, to a lesser extent. Here's what's on the agenda for tonight, strategically placed to precede Rudy Guliania's speech (from the National Journal Convention Alerts.)

Although they weren't on the official program released Sunday, three family members of the Sept. 11 victims who are sympathetic to President Bush and Rudy Giuliani will precede the former New York City mayor's speech on Monday night. GOP sources tell National Journal's Convention Daily that the individuals are Debra Burlingame, whose brother Charles was a pilot on American Airlines Flight 77 when it struck the Pentagon; Deena Burnett, whose husband Tom died on United Airlines Flight 93 when it crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside; and Tara Stackpole, whose husband, Capt. Timothy Stackpole, was a firefighter who died at the World Trade Center.

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