Repub Schmoozing
For anyone who's interested, here's where the Repubs will be congregating tonight--before heading to the Garden:
- Karl Rove parties with the College Republicans at Windfall Bar and Grill (23 W. 39th St., 5 p.m.)
- Grover Norquist hails pols who've signed his tax pledge at the New York Yacht Club (5 p.m.)
- Ed Gillespie is the guest of honor at Guastavino (409 E. 59th St., 6 p.m.)
- Wachovia serves up cocktails for Eric Cantor at the New York Public Library (5th Ave. & 32nd St., 6 p.m.)
*Newsweek takes over the Four Seasons Grill Room (99 E. 52nd St., 6 p.m.)
(from the National Journal Convention Alert)
TalkLeft and the TL kid will be blogging from The Tank in about an hour.
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