
Kitty Kelly Discusses Bush Book

Author Kitty Kelly was on Aaron Brown's Newsnight discussing her book on the Bush family. A summary of the interview:

Ms. Kelly said the book is an unsettling image of the Bush family, and a realistic one. She stands behind everything in it. She's 100% comfortable with her sources and documentation. Even on Sharon Bush. On Sharon and the cocaine allegation that Bush and one of his brothers used cocaine many times --including at Camp David while Bush, Sr. was President. She says the interview with Sharon occurred on 4/1/2003. there was another person named Lou present (I didn't catch the last name) . Kelly said Sharon came to her, not the other way around, and even confirmed the quotes next day in front of Kelly's editor. Kelly said she took Sharon to see her editor because she wanted to give speeches. She says she has two independent witnesses for the Sharon Bush allegations.

Kelly said Sharon talked about former President Bush's infidelity. During her interview over lunch, told Kitty and Lou that Neil left her a telephone message that if she didn't watch herself, she might find herself in a dark alley.

Kelly said George would drink and ignore Laura. She talked about how abusive GW was to Laura and that Bush Sr and Barbara didn't speak to him because of it for a year. She says that lots of people she interviewed said there was spousal abuse, but she couldn't find one to go on record who had first hand knowledge of it and said that there were no police or other written reports to confirm what people told her.

Regarding the National Guard service, Kelly said the Guard began drug testing around April, 1972, when Bush didn't show for his physical. She says, "connect the dots." She says "it bears examination" whether he didn't take the physical because he would have had to take a drug test. She doesn't think it's a coincidence that between April, 1972 to October, 1972, he didn't fly or take a physical.

Kelly said that if we could find the Flight Inquiry board records, they would tell the story. It has the medical information.

She was matter of fact, non-emotive and kind of boring.

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