
Site Upgrade is Complete...Almost

Bump and Update: The upgrade is complete. It has taken all of yesterday and this morning to restore the templates and the newer functions so many of you liked....a list of the five most recently commented-on entries and the category name being placed in each entry alongside the permalink.

I also was able to add the same "html" and "quote" buttons that you see when you click "comments" to a post to each post when you access it by permalink. This will help those of you who are html-challenged and haven't been able to figure out how to add urls in html format. Now, just type your comment, highlight the words where you want your link to be, and click on the "html button". Just put the url in the popup and Voila. Same for a short quote. Just highlight the part you want quoted and click the quote button. It will appear in your comment indented and inside a blue box.

Thanks to readers, TalkLeft collected $105.00, which paid for the upgrade and install. However, I need to hire someone to install an upgraded version of MT-Blacklist,the comment-spammer, as I have no clue (and I tried) and some other "plugins" that will improve the site. Apparently, only one version of MT-Blacklist will work with this latest edition of MT. So the collection effort is still ongoing at this point. I'll let you all know when it's over. And if you have experience installing the new version of MT Blacklist with MT 3.11, and would like to make some money installing it on TalkLeft, let me know.

You can contribute here via PayPal. If you'd like to donate anonymously, use Amazon. Both are secure.

Thanks to all, and now, as soon as all the 8,000 individual entries are rebuilt (a few hours, I think) I will be back to regular posting. Please ignore any comment spam for online poker, viagra and the like which will go away once MT-Blacklist is reinstalled.

Original Post

Movable Type has just installed our upgrade. Lots of features, including comments are different, so this weekend will be spent ironing out any bugs.

Most of the plug-ins have to be reinstalled manually and that will take me some time to figure out. MT doesn't do that part since plug-ins are provided by external sources.

I also have to rebuild the comment templates, and then your comments should go through again. MT has a registered comment feature--it's automatically turned on right now. Who thinks it's a good idea and I should keep it?

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