
Patriot Act Coming to A Theater Near You

From Mark Crispin Miller:

This week we're releasing the DVD of A Patriot Act, the piece I've been performing at the New York Theater Workshop all this year. That show was a great success, getting people all fired up to fight the Bushveiks; and this new movie version is terrific. It is the joint work of a highly skilled and gifted group of filmmaking professionals, all of whom put in their time for free.

We want to set up screenings everywhere, so that every rational American (hey, every rational person) might see it prior to Election Day. We'll have it screened at indy theaters, social gatherings, at campus rallies and on public access cable channels. (And if Bush & Co. steals the White House for the second time, we want the movie to stay on the public radar screen, because if that does happen Patriot Act will be even timelier.)

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To get your copy, send an email to info@patriotnation.us

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