
When Cheney Met Edwards


Cheney never met Edwards in the Senate? Or before tonight? Maybe he has the beginnings of dementia.:

January 08, 2003
WASHINGTON -- Republican Elizabeth Dole, sworn in as North Carolina's newest senator Tuesday, pledged to work with lawmakers of both parties to strengthen national defense, boost the economy, reform health care and address farming issues crucial to North Carolinians. Dole had her grandmother's Bible as she was sworn in on the Senate floor. She raised her right hand and took the oath administered by Vice President Dick Cheney, the Senate president.

Per Senate tradition, Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., escorted her. Her husband, former Senate majority leader and GOP presidential candidate Bob Dole, also was by her side.

Here'sanother time they met-- same picture as above but larger of the two together:

Cheney Thanked Edwards At the National Prayer Breakfast. Addressing the National Prayer Breakast, Cheney said: “Thank you. Thank you very much. Congressman Watts, Senator Edwards, friends from across America and distinguished visitors to our country from all over the world, Lynne and I honored to be with you all this morning.” [FDCH Political Transcripts, Cheney Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, 2/1/01]

Cheney's debate statement:

In my capacity as vice president, I am the president of the senate, the presiding officer, I'm in the senate most tuesdays in session. The first time I met you was when you walked on the stage tonight.”

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