
General: Most Guantanamo Inmates To Be Freed

Three years of being held in captivity, without charges or lawyers, and now, it's going to be "never mind, you can go now"? This should go down in history as one of the biggest abuses of human rights the U.S. has ever engaged in. According to Brig Gen Martin Lucenti, deputy commander of the joint task force that controls Guantanamo:

"Of the 550 [prisoners]that we have, I would say most of them, the majority of them, will either be released or transferred to their own countries," he told the Financial Times. "Most of these guys weren't fighting. They were running.

"Even if somebody has been found to be an enemy combatant, many of them will be released because they will be of low intelligence value and low threat status. We don't have a level of evidence to feel that we can be confident to prosecute them [all]. We have guys here who have never told us anything, except to say that they want to cut off the heads of the infidels if they get a chance," Gen Lucenti added.

How would you feel if you were running from the enemy you knew, only to be caught by the enemy you didn't know...and then transported across the world to be interrogated and caged for three years?

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