
Bloggers to Raise Money in a PAC

BlogPac has its second ad campaign running, targeting the Oklahoma Senate race (running locally on the internet). Money is being raised for a third great ad campaign. Your donations can help. As to BlogPac,

Writing a blog post is not enough. Reading a blog post is not enough. Commenting on a blog is not enough. Being educated is the first step toward political change. But the next step requires doing something.

BlogPac.org is that next step -- a group of bloggers not content to simply write words or read them, but eager to take action on the pressing issues of our day. We will not sit idly by and merely chatter as everything we care about burns. And you join us in our efforts.

BlogPac is the new PAC created by virtuoso bloggers Markos of Daily Kos and Jerome of My DD. I've accepted an invitation to serve on the Advisory board, along with Markos, Jerome, Atrios, John Aranovis of AmericaBlog, Matthew Stoller of BOP News ,, Anna of Annatopia, and others.

This netroots effort is just getting started. Between the Novmember election and the 2006 midterm elections, there will be a lot of work to do and a lot of money to raise. It is an effort by those who spend their times online and embrace participatory media and politics. Whether you are a blogger, a blog reader or just an internet user, please join us as we use online tools and technologies to further the cause of progressive politics in our nation.

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