
Message to Trolls--Four a Day's the Limit

To Right wing repetitive commenters on TalkLeft (you know who you are, and if you're not sure, ask): You're limited to four comments a day --additional ones will be deleted.

Check out the posting policy at the conservative site RedState--and see how liberal we are for granting four a day.

This site is explicitly meant to serve as a conservative and Republican community. Postings, comments, etc., contrary to this purpose fall under the rubric of "disruptive behavior" and will result in banning. You may or may not get a warning -- it depends on how harried the moderators are. If you are coming from a non-conservative, non-Republican context, you are still welcome here, but you must respect the site's stated purpose.

The posting rules benefit everyone. By promoting civility even in disagreement, they help the site avoid the pitfalls of notorious dens of iniquity like....every unmoderated Usenet thread that has ever existed.

If you missed our prior announcement of the new limits or the reasons for it, you can read them here and here.

Also, off-topic comments are becoming a problem. We consider them an attempt to hijack the thread and will be deleting them.

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