
Arlen Spector As Chair of Judiciary Committee

If Republican Arlen Spector gets reelected, he's next in line to be Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Joe Hoeffel, his opponent, says that will be a disaster.

Hoeffel has attacked Specter as voting for "every right-wing and, in many cases, unqualified appointment to the federal bench" that Bush has made. "In many cases, women-hating, civil rights-denying, labor-bashing, environment-trashing, unqualified people," Hoeffel said in a recent WHYY radio interview.

Hoeffel ridiculed Specter's vow to appoint "centrist" judges, and accused Specter of being "inconsistent" on abortion rights by confirming nominees who did not support Roe v. Wade.

Santorum validates that claim.

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