
Voting Problems in Jacksonville, Florida

Heads Up: Here's an e-mail just in regarding voting problems in Jacksonville Florida and St. John's County, predominantly a Republican area:

This is an alert that the Official Sample Ballot for St. John's County, Florida, has a mis-printed telephone number for the Julington Creek Annex, 725 Flora Branch Blvd., Jacksonville, FL It is printed as 904-320-0107 and SHOULD BE 904-2 3 0-0107. The 2 and 3 are reversed. I kept getting a "wrong number" and was transferred to an Operator who also verified that it was a wrong number. She then placed me through to Bellsouth to which there was no answer except a menu system. I finally realized while waiting for a human voice that the numbers were transposed.

I initially had called my local office in St. Augustine, Florida, prior to placing this call but no one had answered the phone there despite several rings on three sequential calls; thus I called the Julington Creek Branch Annex Office to ask a question on how a voter can vote if they have moved to a different county.

I was calling on behalf of a family relative. When the first person answered, she could not answer my question and put me on hold. Since this was long distance, and after a subsequent wait, I hung up and recalled the number. This time I got a male voice recording saying the office was open between 8:30 and 4:30 and to call back. It was Friday around 2:00 pm so I knew they were open as I had just placed the call to the clerk who could not answer my question. Finally, on the third call, I got a lady who did answer my question (with one exception as to a certain date which she "wasn't sure") and when I asked her why there were no corrective slips sent out to people with the correct number, she didn't know and only said that "they were aware of the mis-print" prior to my call and would I like to speak to the Supervisor of Elections. I declined and decided instead to report this irregularity in informing voters with correct information.

I might also add that the Julington Creek Annex is in a heavily Republican/Bush supported area. I wonder how many other people could not get through and did not realize the reversed number exchange.

A contact number for the Supervisor (which may not get answered) is: 904-823-2238 and the Supervisor's name is Penny Halyburton. Her email address is: pennyh@sjcvotes.us

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