
Votemaster's Identity Revealed

Electoral-Vote.com has been a favorite stop for continuously updated electoral vote projections. While revealing he is a Kerry supporter, the person behind the site has remained anonymous... until today, when he publicly identifed himself. Right now, I'm not getting into the site, there must be too much traffic, but Coyote Gulch has the goods:

And the question we've all been waiting to have answered Who is behind Electoral-vote.com. Wow, it's Andrew Tanebaum, the developer of Minix. I wondered how he could be in the U.S. and update so early every morning. He's not, he's in the Netherlands. Minix helped Linus Torvalds when he was starting out writing GNU/Linux. At the end of his "Votemeister FAQ" Tanenbaum writes, "I am Andrew Tanenbaum and I approved this message."

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