
Blogging Tonight

Everyone is blogging tonight. Let's hope the Internet doesn't have a meltdown. Some are live blogging the results as the networks announce them. Here's a grid where you can see all the results in one place, courtesy of Media Matters. Some will focus on congressional races. Others will be providing analysis. AmericalBlog is covering everything. Hardblogger is really good too.

As for TalkLeft, I'm going down to Denver's Democratic headquarters now as a reporter for 5280.com. My Colorado posts will be over there (enthusiastic but non-partisan), my overall reporting and opinions will be here.

I don't know how long I'll make it away from my setup here of television, two side-by-side computers each with high speed cable connection and e-mail. I feel like I'm about to leave for a desert island. So check back often, I may be back sooner than you think. And I may find a way to blog from there.

Use the comments for your own live blogging. Have fun, it's going to be a good night, I can tell.

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