
New Military Response to Guantanamo Abuse Charges

The AP asked, and the Pentagon responded. In an 800 word document, the military has provided details of eight cases of abuse of Guantanamo detainees. The ACLU thinks there is more than is being disclosed:

We're confident that there's more information out there that hasn't been released," said Jameel Jaffer of the American Civil Liberties Union, which has obtained nearly 6,000 documents about procedures at U.S.-run prisons. He was in Guantanamo to observe pretrial hearings.

Air Force Lt. Col. Sharon Shaffer, who represents one of the charged prisoners, will be filing a petition in federal court to dismiss the charges against him, alleging abuse of her client.

The abuse allegations at Guantanamo are a matter of growing concern," Shaffer said. "He was constantly being told he would be sent to Egypt to be interrogated, where many of the detainees believed they would be killed. And he was forced to sit for hours in the freezing cold." The incident was purportedly recorded, one of some 500 hours of tapes that the military has refused to publicly release.

Then there is National Guardsman and military policeman Sean Baker, who went undercover as a detainee at Guantanamo. He ended up having his head slammed into the steel floor, sustaining a brain injury...he now suffers from seizures.

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