
Bush Names New Head of RNC

President Bush has selected Ken Mehlman to head up the RNC. Mehlman was Bush's campaign manager and is a protege of Karl Rove.

There has been speculation in the media that Mehlman, who is 37 and single, is gay. He won't say.

When asked if he was gay last week, Mehlman hung up the phone. Deputy communications director Steve Schmidt, reached by telephone, asserted that Mehlman was not gay but refused to say so on the record.

AmericaBlog asks:

What possible reason is there that the incoming head of the Republican party doesn't want to publicly acknowledge that he's heterosexual? In fact, he and the party seem downright afraid of "admitting" that Mehlman is straight. When in the history of Republican politics has a straight man been mortally afraid of simply acknowledging publicly that he's straight? If Mehlman really is straight, this entire situation is downright bizarre. There's a major controversy brewing about this man, and he could end it with one public statement - but he won't. What is going on here?

....It would also be a slap in the face to Christian conservatives who thought the Bush administration agreed with their views on homosexuality.

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