
Mutiny at the CIA?

Two more top level CIA resignations today--in the clandestine unit. Rebellion over Porter Goss taking the reins?

Stephen Kappes, deputy director for operations, and his deputy Michael Sulick submitted their resignations after confrontations with Goss's chief of staff, intelligence sources said. Critics say while Goss as the new spy chief has every right to make changes, he is not communicating his intentions clearly and directly. Instead, he has delegated too much power to his senior advisers who came with him from Capitol Hill.

One of them, Patrick Murray, who is chief of staff to Goss, has faced criticism in the agency for what is seen as an abrasive style and lack of respect for senior officers.

A feud between the Director of Operations and the Director of Intelligence within the agency does not bode well. Why is Bush not able to control this? John McCain, by the way, is backing Goss.

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