
Changing the Rules

by TChris

Bump and Update: Rule change approved.

Rules are made to be broken ... or at least changed, when they become inconvenient. And so we hear of Republican threats to change the time-honored Senate rule that permits the minority party to thwart the majority's overreaching by resorting to a filibuster -- Republican threats that are unwarranted, as explained here.

And now we hear of a proposed change of rules in the House.

House Republicans plan to change their rules in order to allow members indicted by state prosecutors to remain in a leadership post, a move designed to benefit Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) in case he is charged by a Texas grand jury that has indicted three of his political associates, GOP leaders said today.

Of course, the rule was adopted by House Republicans in response to Dan Rostenkowski's misbehavior, but hey, he was a Democrat. The rule is no longer convenient for Republicans, so it's gotta go.

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