
Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million

President Bush has increased the amount the U.S. will pledge to the Tsunami relief effort to $350 million. He's not putting a ceiling on it, and says the U.S. will continue to revise the amount as needed.

Smart move. Good move.

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  • Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 03:17:04 AM EST
    roy A leader leads. Bush remained on vacation. Clinton had to shame Bush into finally speaking out. The UN had to shame Bush into realizing $15 million was stingy.
    Yeah: Staying in Texas looked bad, but did no harm. How about Kofi Anan staying skiing in Colorado for three days after the Tsunami. Didn't say a word until three days after. Is that not worse? He should have been at the UN coordinating the effort. The question and his answer. Q: Mr. Secretary, picking up on Richard's question, I think a lot of people are asking exactly why you waited three days on vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, before you decided to fly back to New York in the face of this extraordinary crisis. Could you give us a full explanation of your thinking on that? Secondly, what kind of signal does that 72-hour delay send to the nations to which you are now appealing for greater help? SG: First of all, there was action. It wasn't inaction. We live in a world where you can operate from wherever you are. You know the world we live in now. You don't have to be physically here to be dealing with the leaders and the Governments I have been dealing with. You don't have to be physically here to be discussing with some of the agencies that we have done.

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 09:37:14 AM EST
    OK, but will Halliburton be getting any of the contracts to rebuild the area?

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 09:41:34 AM EST
    JC, Thanks for the link to Annan's press conference. He was clear, cogent, and obviously well-informed. He was not floundering around. Good leader. Wish we had one like him.

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 03:53:28 PM EST
    The response of the left to use even a horrid human tragedy to play politics is expected... but still disgusting. First, the obvious problem is that the left views the world, and even America, trough a socialist lens, which is to say, everything comes from the STATE. The left does not understand democracy, and individual freedom, and especially the US constitution. The American response is NOT the state. We are a free people, and our response is PRIVATE. Americans maintain a government that is limited, and serves limited interests of the American citizenry. All other powers are left to the states and the people. The left doesn't understand this. To them, the state is ALWAYS the answer... and that is a true sickness. [remainder deleted due to length.]

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 05:14:01 PM EST
    A VERY quick tally of the top 20 or so PRIVATE donation channels has the American response at over 140 MILLION in aid as of yesterday. And that's just the top 20! American Private charity is always massive... exceeding 200 BILLION a year at home and abroad. Only socialists would automatically look to Bush for cash as the centerpiece of American response (oh, and journalists) both missing the point of a free nation of individuals. [Ed. repeat chatter deleted. SMS, you are limited to four comments a day on TalkLeft. All comments in excess of this will be deleted (your correction is not counted as one, so with that, you get five today.]

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 10:51:29 PM EST
    Today Colin Powell said that that figure will be continuously revised and is likely to be expanded. Japan has announced a pledge of $500 million since the U.S.'s revised figure. The total pledged worldwide so far is $2 billion. There are regional local Red Cross offices that one can contribute to more directly than to the U.S. Red Cross. Also, longterm (years hence) needs are important to consider as well as immediate needs: rebuilding of dwellings; other buildings; infrastructure; institutions; etc. (Following Colin Powell's mention of the special link on his website at the State Dept., which links to USAID, I decided to make a donation to Habitat for Humanity.) Right now, I am keen on trying not to politicize the relief efforts issues and just to keep the world community effort in the forefront. One striking effect of the earthquake/Tsunami that I have heard/seen no mention of: There has been little to no news about Iraq for several days since this disaster happened. Blanket coverage 24/7 is really blacking out other news?

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 12:37:36 AM EST
    the govt of Sri Lanka announced it would rather have its casualties triple than have help from the jews. I would rather give more aid to terror victims in Israel and to our wounded soldiers.But I think everyone should make sure they give money to wounded warriors .com an excellent charity for our brave boys who defend our freedom.If u have money left over and want to do some humanitarian spending I advise giving to the countries who respect America and its lifelong friend Israel. Anyway happy new year all and G-D Bless.

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 04:16:09 AM EST
    Skybox:- The Sri Lankan/Israeli thing has already been discussed on another thread. It would appear Israeli aid is still coming, but without the military presence that was initially proposed. Care to back up your 'statement' with a link, or are you just Islam-bashing again?

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kitt on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 05:26:52 AM EST
    And as reported by CNN last night (actually early this morning)- there's an Israeli medical team in Sri Lanka. As for this statement, Skybox -"the govt of Sri Lanka announced it would rather have its casualties triple than have help from the jews." .... something as outrageous as this needs 'proof' - something concrete not just the word of a neighbor or a Rush Limbaugh.

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#10)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 07:33:26 AM EST
    SMS: First, the obvious problem is that the left views the world, and even America, trough a socialist lens, which is to say, everything comes from the STATE. You're funny. I suppose the Tropical Prediction Center, which is responsible for hurricane warnings and FEMA, which is responsible for disaster relief, are private companies?

    Re: Bush Boosts Tsunami Aid to $350 Million (none / 0) (#11)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 08:57:54 AM EST
    Hey. If we are a democracy dependant on helping others through private donations...and only a rotten commie would look to the government first in a disaster...how come Bush asked for 7.1Billion (that's Billion, with a B) to rebuild after the Florida hurricanes? I'm confused. Is that because it costs so much more to rebuild luxury condos than it does tin huts? OR more to send water when it needs to be in Evian bottles and not a spigot on a truck? Or because its tough to say no to your brother when he mooches money? One thing I KNOW for sure...it being an election year had NOTHING to do with it. Or do we only need to get all socialist and REALLY generous when real white Christian people are hurt? Or is it just about taking care of our own (kind?)...just curious.