
Blogging the New Year

Lots of blogging happening over the New Year's holiday ....

Was that really Judd Nelson blogging over at Protein Wisdom the last week of 2004?

Politics in the Zeros notes that the animals seemed to escape the Tsunami disaster and wonders if they have a special warning system.

Skippy has added a co-blogger, Cookie Jill, and she fits right in. Welocme, Cookie Jill.

Mark at Norwegianity has the top politically correct words for 2004.

Roger Ailes (no not that one) has a year in review quiz.

Tom Burka of Opinions You Should Have has a satirical 2004 wrap-up.

Where is Jeanne D'Arc of Body and Soul? Her last post is December 20. Jeanne, come back.

James Capozzola of Rittenhouse Review attacks John Podhoretz' New York Post article attacking those who criticized Bush for waiting four days to make a serious Tsunami aid offer.

The Poor Man goes after conservative commentator Tony Blankley.

Atrios is switching from Amazon to Barnes and Noble in an effort to Choose Blue.

For more, check out Memeorandum and the Daou Report--we do several times a day.

< Tsunami: Scientists Watched Helplessly | Action Alert: Stop Planned Flogging of Two Arab Women >
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  • Re: Blogging the New Year (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 12:47:04 PM EST
    thanks for making cookie jill feel "welocme," jeralyn! and here's hoping you and yours have peaceful (yeah, right, with awol in office) and prosperous (we can always dream, can't we?) new year.

    Re: Blogging the New Year (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 01, 2005 at 01:16:37 PM EST
    Happy New Year, Jeralyn.... and thanks so much for mentioning skippy's kindness in extending blogging privaledges to little ole' me. I can't compare to the great obi-skippy-won kanga-obi...I am just the roo to his skippiness, but I will try my best. And, again...thanks for the warm blog welcome.

    Re: Blogging the New Year (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 02:18:24 PM EST
    Martha Stewart's diary entries at Protein Wisdom is pretty good reading.