
Boot Camp Operator Found Guilty of Manslaughter

by TChris

Boot camps for unruly juveniles have been popular with the "harsh treatment builds character" crowd, but the story of Anthony Haynes reveals the potential for abuse that inheres in the "tough love" philosophy.

Anthony Haynes was a troubled overweight youth, and his mother sought out Long's program because she said she was desperate to find ways to cope with the child. While sitting in a disciplinary line in the July heat, Haynes began acting erratically, eating dirt and possibly hallucinating.

A counselor and several youths took him to a hotel and placed him, unconscious, in a shower bath, where he inhaled water. Then, rather than call for medical help, they took him back to the camp, where he died despite attempts to resuscitate him.

Charles Long, who operated the Arizona camp, was convicted Monday of reckless manslaughter in the 14-year-old boy's death. He had been charged with the more serious offense of second degree murder.

Long also was found guilty of aggravated assault for threatening another youth with a knife. ... Long held a knife to the chest of a camper named Nicholas Conner and threatened to "gut him like a fish."

The jury deadlocked on eight counts of child abuse related to other campers who were reportedly forced to sit in the sun without adequate water as discipline.

Jurors made clear their displeasure with the testimony that Long's wife gave in support of her husband. Proposed cross-examination questions that jurors submitted to the judge included whether Long's wife "realized how foolish she looked in contradicting other testimony and how she would like it if someone forcibly shaved her head, as was done to problem cadets in Long's programs."

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    Re: Boot Camp Operator Found Guilty of Manslaughte (none / 0) (#1)
    by Johnny on Tue Jan 04, 2005 at 12:41:38 PM EST
    Well, he was rehabilitated. Pre-emptive death penalty for troubled youths?

    Re: Boot Camp Operator Found Guilty of Manslaughte (none / 0) (#2)
    by Che's Lounge on Tue Jan 04, 2005 at 12:44:37 PM EST
    Tough love is about as effective as a screen door on a submarine.

    Re: Boot Camp Operator Found Guilty of Manslaughte (none / 0) (#3)
    by Darryl Pearce on Tue Jan 04, 2005 at 12:50:40 PM EST
    The cowboy code by David Kelly requires us not to be unduly rough.

    Re: Boot Camp Operator Found Guilty of Manslaughte (none / 0) (#4)
    by wishful on Tue Jan 04, 2005 at 01:31:45 PM EST
    What the heck is the cabinet position in charge of child welfare? I'm sure it won't be long now before Bush nominates Charles Long to this post.

    There's a very good West Coast shelter mag, Sunset, geared to the affluent house-proud sector. It has the biggest assortment of ads for these camps (plus schools for "troubled" kids, etc.) you ever saw. This puzzled me until I realized that a lot of these kids probably get sent away because basically, they just didn't go with the parents' lifestyle, in the same sense that a certain rug might not go with the curtains. Mind, these aren't drying-out places for kids with real substance-abuse issues or similar programs for specific problems. They're just places where they can be abused, fueled by that right-wing belief that if you just dump on a child enough, he will magically develop "character." (What can't you justify with that?) Do you think kids ever come back from these places with better relationships with their folks than they left with?

    If parents treated their children anything resembling what these people do to kids they would be taken away from them. Why is abuse condoned in these situations and why does a child have to die before anyone is held accountable? Boot camp is for training military personnel for war not as a brainwashing tool and torture technique for the criminal justice system.

    Re: Boot Camp Operator Found Guilty of Manslaughte (none / 0) (#8)
    by wishful on Tue Jan 04, 2005 at 08:22:06 PM EST
    OMFG, I just saw an ad for a new reality teevee show: BratCamp, a boot camp for bratty teens. What a sick, sick society, and not because of desperate housewives or wardrobe malfunctions.

    How many times have a hear this story? after all most of the guys running the so called boot camps are in fact gang memebers.

    Re: Boot Camp Operator Found Guilty of Manslaughte (none / 0) (#10)
    by cp on Wed Jan 05, 2005 at 05:50:27 AM EST
    like many of our finer institutions, the original concept behind the "bootcamp" style camp was, kind of, noble in intent. the idea was to take hard-core jd's, those who had been through the juvie system, and came out harder still, and instead of sending them back to juvie, put them through a rugged, military-style, training camp, sans weapons. this would require the development of small-unit cohesion, teamwork, self discipline a