
Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen Today

If you're as turned off by the Inauguration as we are, there is relief at Air America Radio. You can listen on the Internet it doesn't broadcast in your area. And the good news to report is that Air America Radio has turned itself into a success:

Coinciding with the presidential ceremonies, Air America will launch its brash Bush-bashing talk-radio format onto the airwaves in President Bush's backyard -- Washington, D.C. -- as well as Detroit and Cincinnati, bringing its total nationwide reach to 45 markets.

[hat tip Mememorandum]

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    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#1)
    by pigwiggle on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 09:36:26 AM EST
    Did anyone else see the dust up between Al Franken and Bill Oreilly on CSPAN. Fun stuff! Franken talks for 30min (15 minutes longer than he was spose to), then when Oreilly starts, Franken keeps chiming in. Oreilly gets all pissed and starts screaming ‘shut up, shut up”. Franken screams back ‘This ain’t your show Bill”. Really; fun stuff.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#2)
    by Che's Lounge on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 09:36:31 AM EST
    Where are the Wankers? "It won't last six months!"

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#3)
    by cp on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 09:42:17 AM EST
    the problem with this inauguration is that it is just too darn easy. like picking low hanging fruit.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#4)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 09:45:13 AM EST
    pigwiggle: I saw the dust-up and it really was hilarious. I watch O'Reilly from time to time still, dunno why, but I do. It was awesome, though, watching the smug SOB lose his temper.

    i have enjoyed some shows on air america (we get it here in seattle) but at the same time... a lot of the content is the mirror image of the stuff on the right wing whacko stations (like kvi here). so much shouting, hyperbole, and totally outrageous inflammatory nonsense... only slanted toward the left as opposed to the right. personally, i dislike the style and format of a lot of 'political commentary' shows.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#6)
    by kdog on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 09:55:35 AM EST
    Franken and Garafalo are too over the top for my taste. I enjoy Randi Rhodes's show though, she gets her point across well, without resorting to the scream tactics of some of the others. Glad they are still around though, it's nice to hear some liberal commentary. Without Air America, we'd only have NPR to compete with the Rush's and Savidge's.

    i can agree with that, kdog, randi can actually be quite funny. and i can dig the 'morning sedition' occasionally. npr, while informative, can be very boring. i mean, very boring and weird. for every cool interview where the reporter asks tough but respectful questions, there are random people doing random things... like the story last night about the guy who plays a fretless guitar. who has a guy playing three cacti as his percussion section. seriously. so air america can be a welcome change. but when the shouting starts, i change it. and unfortunately, i usually don't try again for weeks. it's kind of like that argument we always throw at the richard aubreys of the world; just because the other guy does it doesn't mean we should do it too.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#8)
    by Adept Havelock on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 10:23:46 AM EST
    Air America can be amusing, but it tends to turn into a left wing version of Limbaugh/Savage/Hannity too often for my taste. Whatever happened to reasoned discussion? Oh, right, it doesn't get the ratings of scream based political theatre.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kitt on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 10:26:25 AM EST
    I do listen to Air America. I listen more to Democracy Now or something off CSPAN or Truthout.org. Just like kelite and kdog - sometimes it's no different than listening to the Rushs or Savages except the 'politics' is different. Franken gets on my nerves more than Garafalo and Randi Rhodes can go too long and send me over the top. Sr. Helen Prejean was on 'Afterwords' on CSPAN, Sunday, discussing her new book and the death penalty. That interview is up on CSPAN's web site (Book TV) for anyone interested.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#10)
    by wishful on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 11:57:15 AM EST
    Just a thought--maybe they know some of their stuff is over the top. Maybe their target audience for those segments is not "the choir". Maybe they are providing alternatives to those who get all their info from the Limbaugh/Savage/Hannity/O'Lielys of the air waves. You never know, some actual alternate views might actually sink in in some cases.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#11)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 12:02:34 PM EST
    Hey, you gotta start somewhere. Obviously Air America waxes shrill with consistency, and in this regard they do indeed mirror Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage, Rush, etc. Yet they provide an importasnt service simply by virtue of their independence from the machine that has immolated the MSM. It's nice to know there are voices out there, somewhere, not filtered through the dust of corporate boots, and--shocker!--not spinelessly giving the GOP a free pass on all that it says and does.

    Hmmm, my neighbor owns an all-talk AM radio locally and he looked at the Air America numbers a few months ago and said he figured it was a loser. I'll wander over and ask him again. -C

    My AAR station is actually a Clear Channel station in Columbus that gets Stephanie Miller, Ed Schultz, and Lionel (none of which are part of AAR). Ed Schultz is great.... he is not the Left's version of Rush... he is smart, funny, and not a blow-hard.

    Ed Schultz turned me off when he was talking about Kerik because he was slinging broad-based ethnic slurs insinuating anyone with an Italian-sounding name was automatically part of the mafia. I found that to be most distasteful. My mom thinks Randi Rhodes is shrill and annoying, but I like her OK. My mom and I both like Al Franken though. I especially like the stuff he's been doing lately to poke fun at O'Reilley. "Sergeant O'Reilley", etc. Up until she died a couple of weeks ago, my grandma loved to listen to both O'Reilley and Franken...She thought they were both infantile.

    Yet they provide an importasnt service simply by virtue of their independence from the machine that has immolated the MSM. i disagree. they are a very important part of the machine that has immolated the msm. limbaugh's schtick is the same as randi rhode's - 'i'm a maverick, i am going to say what i think and you can't shut me up. if you're not with me, you're against me'. i mean, i was googling for transcripts of her show and found one of her yelling at ralph nader until he hung up on her. funny? yes. satisfying? for a second. an intelligent addition to the political discourse, or a reasonable approximation of how we'd like the members of our party to be treated by members of the right wing media? no way. i agree with a lot more of the ideas that air america puts forth than what i hear from the right wing. but i do not agree that they are a) independent or b) better than the hannity/o'reilly/limbaugh crowd. they just offer some counterweight for the basket we're traveling in.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#16)
    by glanton on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 01:04:51 PM EST
    kelite: first of all, it's a bit of a stretch to refer to Air America as a "very important part" of anything, much less a "counterweight." In truth, it's little more than a tadpole in an ocean. That being said, I stick to my contention that they provide an "important service," again, because without them you'd hardly know there was a media representative that doesn't approve of where we're going. Would it be nice if they could differentiate themselves from the ridiculous tactics you and others have pointed out? Of course it would, but again, you have to start somewhere.

    Re: Air America Radio Scores Big Gains....Listen T (none / 0) (#17)
    by pigwiggle on Thu Jan 20, 2005 at 01:14:10 PM EST
    Clear Channel? Just another example of corporate media spreading propaganda.

    Among the few certainties of life is this: no one will mistake the second inaugural address of George W. Bush for that of Abraham Lincoln. In one short speech, Bush encapsulated all the defining traits of his presidency. The rhetorical flourishes of his global crusade for freedom, a post-facto rationale for the war in Iraq, only amplified the arrogance and condescension that have earned America scorn abroad and produced shame for Americans at home. The meanness of spirit and the mocking tone of opponents was also present, as was the staggering hypocrisy and irony were on display. And, as usual, Bush called forth God