
Voting Opens in Iraq

The polls have been open for an hour. Things are slow, but it's only 8 am in Iraq. What to look for?

  • What kind of turnout will there be?
  • Will the Sunnis vote?
  • Will the anticipated violence be significant enough to disrupt the elections?

The media is speculating that Iraqis are at home watching tv to see whether its safe to go vote.

As to the significance of elections in establishing a democracy, check out Columbia Law Professor Samuel Issacharoff's Washington Post op-ed, Democracy Isn't Built on One Election Alone.

Update: Iraq Voting on Uncertain Future (LA Times.)

< The Expat Vote | First Explosions at Polling Places Reported >
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  • Re: Voting Opens in Iraq (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 09:16:15 PM EST
    Polling has started in IRAQ. Lets hope things turn out ok there. Check out my blog, BoshTang.