Blogger Reaction to the Iraq Election
The right-wing blogosphere, like President Bush, considers the elections a triumph for democracy. The top liberal bloggers, Daily Kos, Atrios, Josh Marshall, knowing better, are either ignoring the elections or have moved on.
Other liberal bloggers express their criticism: Oliver Willis, Talking Dog; Maxspeak; Jerome Armstrong of MyDD; Armando at Daily Kos; Juan Cole.
For the most part, Iraqi bloggers are jubilant. Raed in the Middle is not. If you're reading news coverage, don't forget to read reports from the Arab world to get both sides.
If you've commented on TalkLeft about the elections, tune into MSNBC between 5:30 and 6:00 pm. I'll be discussing blogger reaction opposite Jeff Jarvis on Ron Reagan and Monica Crowley's new show, and they intend to read a few of your comments on the air.
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