
Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair

Following Simon Rosenberg, Donnie Fowler has dropped out of the race for DNC Chair. That leaves Howard Dean. (Roemer may still be in but he's toast.)

Dean will get the job. He'll do a great job, the Democrats should be pleased. Congratulations, Dr. Dean.

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    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 04:46:09 AM EST
    Crap. Wonder which particular dwarf the D's will run with Dean in charge? And I though McAuliffe was bad. -C

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 06:34:48 AM EST
    Remember Success is getting what you wany. Happiness is wanting what you get.

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 07:37:43 AM EST
    Dean truly believes in his vision for the Democratic party. He might turn out to be the democratic Reagan whose vision and belief make the party relevant again. On the downside, I think progressives have always been in the minority. The century of democratic parity was the result of the Civil War. Nobody, no matter how conservative, racist, reactionary, could run as a Republican in the South and win until the mid to late 60's. They were all democrats. Dixiecrats. LBJ as a dixiecrat himself could force the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that JKF, a more progressive dem could never have pulled off. Have to remind myself that despite our minority status, progressives have always led the way and the country has followed slowly. How else explain abolitin of slavery, the right of women to vote, etc? Howard is the real deal. I hope he does well in the trenches.

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 08:15:56 AM EST
    Conscious Angel - hope you are right -been reading some opinions and editorials that say making Dean head of DNC is proving the Democrats are suicidal. I hope this is not true!!

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 09:42:17 AM EST
    Howard Dean: the Dashboard Saint for people who are driving into a brick wall.

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 09:48:27 AM EST
    I think that if the guys across the aisle are slapping high-fives and doing the belly bump it's probably a sign that things are not exactly what you thought you were. Kinda like the guy across the table smiling when you "all in." -C

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 10:11:00 AM EST
    We may be all in. But that's my point about a progressive party. I think it has always been a minority event. Only the dixiecrats' hatred of republicans kept progressives in any kind of influential position over the past century and the dixiecrats are no more. The racist vote is staunchly republican now. We, progressives, are in a rebuilding mode, seeking some kind of coalition to further a progressive agenda. Playing republican lite doesn't work. It's not true to the values - except possibly some fiscal responsibility issue - and the great unwashed know it's not true. Hence, Kerry trying to sound more military and aggressive in finding and killing Osama Bin Laden wins no votes and probably loses quite a few. Dean is a philosophical progressive and an articulate communicator. Fox news will have a field day with him, but at some point, the great unwashed may wake up and say, who is going to pay for these deficits? why did my kid die in Iraq? what was this all about? It's like three card monte, after a while of losing when you clearly know where the right card is, you start to wonder if the game is fixed. Almost everybody gets that eventually. Mission accomplished.

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 11:21:47 AM EST
    "Have to remind myself that despite our minority status," Minority status? According to whom or what? Progressives are not outnumbered, as Dean has proven yet again. The problem is not numbers; the problem is that a lot of people who could vote don't; a lot of people who are progressive in their values get their voices shouted over by partisans and talking heads. We just won this last election, by a landslide. In any case, Bush didn't win Ohio, so Kerry should be our president. But this is a coup. No reason to consider that a sign of minority. As for the $R handwringing about Dean -- yeah, you cats are sheeting in your pants about that; he's the real deal. He's an American success story that just keeps on ringing the bell of our freedom, our inevitable, eventual freedom, from the LIAR in the White House.

    Cliff - Shhhhh - Don't tell'em. CA - Who sent the troops to Little Rock to enforce the law? Let me see... LBJ? No. JFK? No. Oh yeah, that Republician... Esienhtower... No, Esienh... Gee, us Progressives can never rememer his name.

    "Hence, Kerry trying to sound more military and aggressive in finding and killing Osama Bin Laden wins no votes and probably loses quite a few." Wrong again, consc. Kerry ran an EXCELLENT campaign, with gigantic rallies, enormous public support, and an illegal voting system loss that has no pertinency to his campaign. You are spreading a false meme. NOTHING Kerry did could have changed the 'outcome' of another Diebolded election. NOTHING. Nothing short of putting Diebold out of business in our states, and replacing the Katherines who allowed these Bush-backing companies to take away our right to vote (and our right to recount) will. That's why someone like Dean is crucial, because we need a state-by-state effort on the scale of the civil rights movement to blast Diebold out of all 28 states that sold their citizens down the river. And he's the go-to guy for grassroots. Come out from darkness, consc. It's just too horrible to see people continue to be poisoned out of their good senses by false conclusions and wrongly-targeted political appraisals. There ain't nothing wrong with Kerry, nor with Dean, nor with you, nor I. I BLAME BUSH (and his Diebold octopus). And we shall have justice.

    One more time: "Kerry trying to sound military" Kerry IS military. He has the medals and the two tours to prove it. For him to go to Iraq after the stolen election is only appropriate; a whole lot of soldiers were COUNTING on a Kerry win (a legal election), to get their asses out of Dodge. They're still on the frontlines, so FOR SURE John Kerry is fighting for them, still. To go reassure the troops was (again) the mark of a man who would/will make a great president (thanks anyhow, Russ...get back in line), once we get our justice and Diebold gets what it's got coming.

    Eisenhower would have personally marched on DC and taken the Liar Bush into custody. So would TR. You got a lot of nerve claiming Eisenhower has ANYTHING to do with what you bullies and corrupt cowards have done to our nation. He WARNED us about you lot.

    Should we talk about the character of the Republican political folks --no one hired them to be likd by the other side The chinless twins were hired to get the job done -- I'd take Dean over Mehlman and Gillespie any day for staying on point and getting the job done for the Democratic Party. At the very least he is an ethical person with moral standards who thinks being honest with the American public empowers voters --more than I can say for Liars for The Right

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 12:32:32 PM EST
    Have you seen this? [remainder deleted, yes, we saw it and we wrote about it on another thread earlier this week-please stay on topic and put urls in html format or they will be deleted, as this has been.]

    Paul - You must have had much more interesting history classes than I did. Of course we had to stick to actual books with facts in them.... I can reccomend a really good biography of Ike for you if you'd like. As for Kerry's heroism - I'll believe it when I read the records he's releasing with his 180. What, he STILL hasn't signed it. Oh, never mind. Another point - the Republicans aren't worried about Dean, they're DELIGHTED. I expect Hilary and Bill are still trying to figure out what to do tho. -C

    Paul In LA - A little history lesson. In 1957 the courts ordered the Little Rock schools system integrated. The Little Rock School Board`said no. The situation became very tense. President Eisenhower sent in the US Army to make sure integration was accomplished. I know this to be true not from a history book, but because the army used the Memphis Naval Air Station, which is really at Millington, TN, as a staging area. Now you know, the rest of the story. Dearest No Name - The issue is not being "liked by the other side," but being able to put together a strategy that the non-committed voter will like.

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#17)
    by Repack Rider on Sat Feb 05, 2005 at 08:45:51 PM EST
    CA - Who sent the troops to Little Rock to enforce the law? It wouldn't be the guy who warned us about the dangers posed to the United States by the military-industrial complex, would it?

    "Posted by Cliff: "You must have had much more interesting history classes than I did. Of course we had to stick to actual books with facts in them." This non-responsive slur has not one fact in it. If that's the better education you got, it doesn't show. "As for Kerry's heroism - I'll believe it when I read the records he's releasing with his 180." Another non-sequitur. You don't like his medals for bravery, take it up with the Navy. Why don't you post rebuttal instead of pretense, Cliff? You sound like you actually have an idea or two, unlike Jim and the others who are just honing their Shut up-shut up-shut-up skills.

    You missed the point again, Jim, and forgot who you were talking to about Little Rock, about which I have said exactly nothing. I was talking about your weird slur that Dems don't know who Eisenhower, one of this country and the world's greatest heroes in the fight AGAINST fascism.

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#20)
    by scarshapedstar on Sun Feb 06, 2005 at 03:10:44 AM EST
    Maybe if Dean tells somebody to go f*ck themself on the Senate floor, I'll believe this talk from the Republicans about how we should take their advice on which leaders will make fools of themselves. Until then, shove it.

    Re: Donnie Fowler's Out, Dean Will Get DNC Chair (none / 0) (#21)
    by scarshapedstar on Sun Feb 06, 2005 at 03:13:20 AM EST
    Also, Cliff seems like the kind of guy who would tell the children of a firefighter who died in the World Trade Center that he won't describe their dad as a hero unless he sees the videotape of what happened. He's kind of weird that way. So don't worry when he echoes Swiftboat lies...

    I find Dean a fitting leader for the Dems, and for many who post here.

    Paul In LA - Sorry big guy, but based on your comments, I just figured you were dumb. So far, you haven't changed my mind. scar - Offensive language is offensive language, if you get my drift.

    I have no problem with Eisenhower's actions with regard to Little Rock and I applaud him for it. It just doesn't have much to do with the possibility of Dean leading the dems. And as noted above, he did warn about the dangers of the military industrial complex. How wise that warning looks fifteen years later with Vietnam in the rear view mirror. We did buy and sell a lot of Bell helicopters in that fracas. Really good for the economy. Kind of hard on the foot soldiers. Go Howie. Lead us out of the woods. Speak truth to power.