
Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Churchill

Governor Owens just can't stay quiet about C.U. Professor Ward Churchill. Showing his complete disregard for principles of academic freedom and the spirit of the First Amendment, he sent this letter (pdf) to a Denver citizen last week (we've blocked the name and address to protect his privacy.)

Governor Owens will be out of office in 2006. The recipient of the letter hopes he will be out of politics by then as well.

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    It would be easier if you just admit that you agree with Churchill rather than find arguments to support him with. I don't believe academic freedom gives a professor the right to spout off about anything at anytime. They do have responsibilities to their students and the state which has hired them. What about an anthropology teacher who dismissed Darwin and taught the bible? And I'm liberal...

    BocaJeff - you are exactly wrong. He is entitled to say whatever he wants about whatever he wants. Period. Read the first amendment. Unless his words are putting others in imminent danger of harm (e.g. shouting fire in a crowded theater), Congress shall make no law abridging his right to speak (and the States and state organizations by virtue of the 14th Amendment). In answer to your analogy to the Anthropology professor teaching the bible - his peers (i.e. "the market") will take care of him. If the AnthroProf starts teaching creationism, he will become shunned and ridiculed by "the market". If that's what happens to Churchill then so be it but under NO circumstances should a govt official (here, Owens) be calling for disciplinary action for the words of a cranky academician. Period. and I'm a Liberal Libertarian. Govt should do good or nothing at all.

    Evildoer, Are you suggesting that an elected official gives up their own right to free speech when they accept the position? Is the Governor not just stating his own position to a constituent who wrote him on this matter?

    Justpaul, My objection was to BocaJeff's comments about academic freedom and whether BocaJeff gets to decide what that freedom entails. My position: BocaJeff does not. I didn't say anything about Owens. But since you bring it up: I don't object to Owens writing a letter expressing an opinion. I do object to his using the color of his office to contravene the first amendment. His letter did not simply say "Churchill bad", his letter made clear his intention to pressure the CU Board of Regents to fire Churchill because he disagreed with what Churchill said.

    I just think it sets a bad precedent. If we allow Churchill to be hounded out of his job, we're just encouraging them to find new professors who made controversial remarks. It will be like the Salem Witch Trials. No professor will be safe. Subsequently, all college discourse will be very conformist and non-offensive, which in my eyes would be a tradgedy.

    Owens says in his letter, "Ideas have consequences." This mantra seems simple and irrefutable...yet the implication is that one can and should be punished for one's ideas, because "dangerous" ideas have "dangerous" consequences. Regardless of what I think of Churchill, this "ideas have consequences" thought-policing is what bugs me. Also, Owens' overheated, repeated, public denunciation of a guy who has been charged with no crime strikes me as unbalanced. The Rocky Mountian News is frothing right along with Owens, while stories such as Gannongate and recent revelations regarding torture go unreported in its pages. Unbalanced indeed.

    I was the recipient of this letter - and am still dumbfounded by Owen's idea that he has every right to speak his mind, yet the Professor does not. Free speech is not for those in power. It is not for those with money. It is to be cherished by all. Period. Governor owens took an oath of office. One to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States of America. Read the first sentence (after the intro) of this letter. These are not the words of a man who respects OR follows the Constitution. He should be impeached on this alone.

    Governor Owens recently chimed in by saying he "supports Churchill's right to free speech as a private citizen”, but said “tax payers should not foot the bill for his ideas and writings."

    Well, Mr. Owens, I do not like your "ideas and writings", but am somehow stuck paying my taxes to "foot your bill". Make sense?

    I didn't say anything about Owens. Evildoer, You need to revisit your initial post in this thread if you believe that. Someone else is using your brain (or name): i.e., "....but under NO circumstances should a govt official (here, Owens) be calling for disciplinary action for the words of a cranky academician." It seems you did bring it up. And having done so... "I don't object to Owens writing a letter expressing an opinion. I do object to his using the color of his office to contravene the first amendment. His letter did not simply say "Churchill bad", his letter made clear his intention to pressure the CU Board of Regents to fire Churchill because he disagreed with what Churchill said." I think you need to revisit the actual letter as well. Owens says" While we should never infringe on Mr. Churchill's right to express himself", which is a pretty hard thing to spin into "contravention of the First Amendment". He simply notes that there is no reason for the state of Colorado or C.U. to support Churchill or provide a platform for him to speak from. Nor do I believe Ownes has indicated an intention to "pressure" the C.U. Regents into anything. he has simply stated his position, urging them to consider the issues he has raised. I'm not saying he may not attempt to do so at some point, but he hasn't done it in this letter. He has simply responded to a constituent's inquiry with his position on the issue the constituent raised. And he's free to do so, both as a citizen and as the Governor. I happen to agree with Skaje that Churchill should not be fired for his remarks, but taking a job at a public insititution opens him up to what many see as a jusitifed response given his comments. Academic freedom does not guarantee one freedom from criticism when ne goes out of one's way to be "provocative" or "radical". He shouldn't lose his job over this, but he also shouldn't be surprised that some people think he should.

    Great comment by Boca: Posted by BocaJeff at February 23, 2005 11:04 AM It would be easier if you just admit that you agree with Churchill rather than find arguments to support him with. I don't believe academic freedom gives a professor the right to spout off about anything at anytime. They do have responsibilities to their students and the state which has hired them. What about an anthropology teacher who dismissed Darwin and taught the bible? And I'm liberal...

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#10)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 12:03:03 PM EST
    In the second-to-last paragraph, Owen begins by stating "Ideas have consequences." This is a very telling point about the right. By my definition an idea is a thought, or impression, not an action, and therefore without consequence unless acted upon. People like Owen, with his very obvious warning to free thinkers in this country, are a serious threat to this country.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#11)
    by kdog on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 12:39:22 PM EST
    100% right Che. Actions have consequences, not ideas. Can I have some of what Owens is smoking?

    kdog - Yes ideas, when translated into actions, have consquences. Some bad, some good. et al - I agree. Why doesn't the Left just say they support what he has said, and published, rather than just he right to say it. And he does have the right to say it. He also has the obligation to take the consquences.

    If Chuchill said "all blacks in 9/11 deserved to die because they were contributing nothing to society anyway", would you lefties not say he should be canned? I believe you would, and you would be correct to do so.

    I agree. Why doesn't the Left just say they support what he has said, and published, rather than just he right to say it. I dunno. Could it be because some of us don't actually agree with him but oppose firing college professors with tenure because somebody doesn't like their ideas? Oh, sorry. That makes it harder to divide your world into two tidy little camps, doesn't it?

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#16)
    by kdog on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 01:31:52 PM EST
    The key word is "actions" Jim. If our society has become so scared that even sharing ideas is frowned upon by gov't officals and the public alike, we are in bigger trouble than I thought. I know many disagree w/ Chuchill, but his ideas should be welcomed and debated in a so-called free society.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#17)
    by kdog on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 01:56:34 PM EST
    I disagreed with what the Harvard guy said about women not having the gentetic make-up to hang with the boys at math. I didn't call for his firing. He had an idea, shared said idea, and debate followed. It should be the same w/ Churchill. If you disagree, write an essay yourself, give a speech, say he's an a-hole....don't demand he be fired. That just says that you are afraid of ideas, and there is nothing more un-american than that.

    What about an anthropology teacher who dismissed Darwin and taught the bible?
    that would be incompetence, and grounds for dismissal.
    Why doesn't the Left just say they support what he has said, and published, rather than just he right to say it.
    i have been following this situation from the onset here at TL, and i have not heard any poster, from either side agree with the professor. some have suggested they understand where his accusations/allegations/ideas may stem from.
    He also has the obligation to take the consquences.
    i believe he understood that from the get-go. sad you wignuts fail to see the danger in the positions you support.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#19)
    by pigwiggle on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 02:36:37 PM EST
    “that would be incompetence, and grounds for dismissal.” I’m not so sure about this. Debate about faith in the scientific method is well worn. I think this point deserves real scrutiny. Isn’t the spirit of tenure to protect the position of those with minority/unpopular views? It seems eschewing the scientific method for faith qualifies.

    You'd call for the firing of a tenored prof. in a second if you didn't like what he said. No, actually I wouldn't. Do you often make assertions without any facts at all to support them?

    hardleft - "He also has the obligation to take the consquences." (Me) "i believe he understood that from the get-" (Thee) No, he has already indicated he will sue.

    et al - From the Honolulu Star - "Churchill did address the issue of his ethnicity, admitting that he is not Native American." Link "Is he an Indian? Do we really care?" he said, quoting those he called his "white Republican" critics. "Let's cut to the chase; I am not," he said." Given that he used fake information to obtain the job, obviously being "indian" is important, then he should be easily dismissed.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#24)
    by Kitt on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 05:14:51 PM EST
    "Given that he used fake information to obtain the job, obviously being "indian" is important, then he should be easily dismissed." IF....IF he did. How do you know that he did, Jim? And if you have the proof - fax me a copy.

    Kitt - Are you being deliberately obtuse? Until now, he has been claiming to be "Indian." He now admits he is not. That is called lying. He is the head of the Ethnic Studies Department at CU, yet he is not a Phd. And you are telling me that his claim did not influence his selection for the job? Please, I am LOL. But thanks for being the first Left Winger to start the new defense. His claim was false but his beliefs are accurate. Facts don't matter. Just feelings, eh??

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#26)
    by jondee on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 05:40:03 PM EST
    Jim - The facts are youre just looking for any ammuntion. He's not gonna get fired - my suggestion is suck it up. Quick Jim! Somebody on Fox said stand on your head - dont hurt yourself.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#27)
    by Kitt on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 06:23:33 PM EST
    No, I have to work really, really hard at it, Jim. I don't know if Churchill has said he is Indian. I don't know if he claimed such to get hired at Colorado. I've heard plenty of other folks claim what Churchill says or has said. He is the head of the Ethnic Studies Department at CU, yet he is not a Phd.) So? I don't know how it is at Colorado. At the college I attended, the chairship for each dept rotated every three years so that it was entirely possible that someone with a Master's could be chair of a dept. Within my school all the professors had their PhD. In the language dept, the professor who was chair had her Master's. (She did sit for her dissertation while I was taking a class from her, however.) And simply because he's in or part of the Ethnics Dept does not indicate that he claimed such-and-such ethnicity. It simply is an indication of his field of study, field of expertise. If Churchill 'lied' about anything to get his job at Colorado, it is up to the university to do something about it.

    jondee - Maybe, maybe not. But tell me how freedom of speech squares with lying. And that's the issue here. All of his career has been based on the fact that he said he was an indian. He's lucky he isn't Japanese. Time for the old fall on the sword trick. But keep on defending him. It makes you look really, really good. Kitt - You must be the only person in the world who doesn't know that he has been claiming he was indian. Link "The sorry part of this is Ward Churchill has fraudulently represented himself as an Indian, and a member of the American Indian Movement, a situation that has lifted him into the position of a lecturer on Indian activism. He has used the American Indian Movement’s chapter in Denver to attack the leadership of the official American Indian Movement with his misinformation and propaganda campaigns. Ward Churchill has been masquerading as an Indian for years behind his dark glasses and beaded headband." And it is my understanding that he is, or was until he resigned, the head of the department, and it does not rotate. I also understand that it is very unusual for a department head to not be a Phd.

    So. How are you guys on speech codes at universities?

    From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indiginism - Authored by Ward Churchill From a Native Son, eh? lol

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#31)
    by Kitt on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 07:52:44 PM EST
    All I'm saying is I haven't heard Churchill say it. I've read and heard things attributed to him that say that what he has said. The one time I saw him say anything about it, he kind of danced around it although Russell Means said it didn't really matter if he was or wasn't. See, I don't know enough about him to say that his entire career is as you say, "based on the fact that he said he was an indian." As I said before - if he lied it is up to the university to seek justice. It doesn't really matter what you or I think. It's not up to you or me. However we can certainly have opinions.

    Some of those who've read "Whitey" Ward's publications claim the stuff is badly flawed, defined as being full of lies. Let's suppose this turns out to be true. What about the Michael Belleisle treatment? Would there be a difference between Belleisle and Ward as to their continued status as professors? The former's book, "Arming America" said stuff lefties liked (including making up evidence), but I don't recall a lot of fuss about repressing his right to free speech. Is there a difference?

    Were being born an indian a requirement for a job at a public institution, that would probably be illegal. As for WC's 'indianness,' yeah, I think he qualifies on the level that he would be allowed to dance, to participate in ceremonies. That's the usual standard of being 'indian.' I'm pretty sure they would look at him, and say, yeah, indian enough. It's clear from his history (such as I know it) that he has longstanding ties to Rosebud, SD at least. So let's ask the Lakota if WC is OK to dance, or not. Then Jim can get some sleep at night...were it not for the pills he has to take to ignore the tens of thousands of innocent indigenous people he helped murder.

    Colorado's higher education system is in big trouble because of a crazy tax law. Our flagship university has been dealt one scandalous blow after another, from alcohol deaths to sexual assault charges, and now some imitation native professor. For the good of the many in Colorado, the big fat liar should resign and if Ms. Hoffman doesn't get some back bone pretty soon, we won't have any state supported higher educational opportunities for our children. I say, fire the bum and glory be that he admits to being a crazy white guy. Fringe guys like this one do better on the right side of the aisle.

    Paul In LA - Are you going to believe Churchill or your lying ears? And no, you can't just decide you are an indian. Kitt - If you opened the link to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, a major newspaper in Honolulu, you read the whole. Now, if you want to continue on that track, I'm gonna award you the dummy of the day award.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#36)
    by Kitt on Wed Feb 23, 2005 at 10:02:56 PM EST
    Someone put in something about a book (Native Son) and next to his name is the designation Creek/Cherokee/Metis - which I would presume to mean that he has a connection to those tribes via heritage. At least on that web site it insinuates he's Indian. The Honolulu paper - so Ward Churchill 'admitted' he wasn't "Indian." See - that's not even the issue you brought up. You were on the tack that he lied about his heritage in order to get his position at the university thus he needs to be fired. So he admits he's not Indian - neither am I - so what? I don't know a thing about how he got his job. Not knowing, I'm won't make those assumptions you want me to make...mainly that he lied about his being Indian in order to get his job at Colorado. Since I don't know and apparently you don't know either - what's your point? IF - IF...is that it? IF he lied, he needs to be fired? I think that's between him and the university.

    He did what? he needs prison, what a joke when you can't say what you want about our insane culture! come on people i understand what he is doing and why he states things about our nation, its to get people thinking. soon we will be asking the system to free Churchill from prison, sad world. hey people how do you know he has no indian blood? his great.great,great ,great grandmother may have had some? so what? "we are all indians in the eyes of our government", don't you get it?

    CU can't fire the guy for lying about his ethnic heritage. That would mean they'd have to admit they hired him because of his supposed heritage. Since he's obviously sub-par, even for an ethnic studies professor,that would mean they unleashed a moron on the students simply because he claimed to be Indian. And they sure as hell can't admit that. If anybody can choose to be an Indian, where do I file for my casino and oil royalties? How come my kids didn't get free college tuition? Did I overlook something?

    Okay, I admit I agree with Ward Churchill. Then again, I've read a lot of his writings and I've heard what he has to say. I've understood. Have you ? And as for his pedigree, who gives a rats ass if the man is black, white or red ? Okay, the guys at CU may care. But take me for example. I'm part Cherokee but I'm white. My name is 100% english. My parents are white. Grandma was white but she knew a lot of strange things a normal white woman from Oklahoma usually couldn't know, etc. etc. Personally, all I have to do is look at Ward and I know he's a brother. And ya know what friends ? He's right. His "from the gut" method of delivering his messages has functioned. Alone this thread is proof of that.

    ....and by the way, the Hawaiian paper got it wrong. Google for it yourself but don't jump the gun the next time, eh ? Like most all papers, Ward is being misquoted to the MAX ! the FBI and CIA call this disinformation. A lot of people fall for the crap on TV and in the papers. This goes to show how little they actually know about what is really going down in the good old USA.

    littlegreenfootballs and malkin have quotes by Chruchill encouraging terrorism. Still many will defend this 'free thinker'. That is of course your right, but please drop the indignation when your patriotism is questioned.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#43)
    by Peaches on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 08:42:16 AM EST
    Still many will defend this 'free thinker'. That is of course your right, but please drop the indignation when your patriotism is questioned. Demo, I am sure all who are defenders of free speech in our universities will drop the indignation when people like you question our patriotism as soon as you and your ilk drop the indignation when we question your intelligence.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#44)
    by Kitt on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 08:43:02 AM EST
    To Demohypocrates parading as a troll : At least for now our thoughts are our own and free (as in unfettered). I digress. Some of the crap I've heard come from the mouth of Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, and Rush rank right up there with the Ward Churchills.

    ...indignation when your patriotism is questioned.
    that statement would indicate that you assume you are qualified to question one's patriotism. well i certainly question the patriotism of all on the right who so eagerly, and zealously disregard the tenants/spirit/purpose of the Bill Of Rights, the Constitution of the United States, and just plain humanity. ?and that means absolutely what to you? not a darn thing, neither your accusations and babel to i.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#46)
    by pigwiggle on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 10:06:16 AM EST
    Patriotism is a badge; arguing over who is more patriotic is reminiscent of a group of frat boys measuring their junk for comparison, and just as relevant. I’m a patriot when my interests are served and nothing less. What would you have to say to a patriot of the DPRK et al.?

    You left-wing Academia loones are out of control: February 24, 2005 Mob Rule in Academia By Deb Saunders Harvard president Lawrence H. Summers apologized yet again at a meeting with Harvard professors Tuesday for remarks he made some five weeks ago about the lack of substantial "presence of women in high-end scientific professions." I can't believe I am even writing this column. The furor should have died down weeks ago, but thanks to a fiercely intolerant streak in most Harvard professors (who were emboldened by Summers' propensity to self-immolate), the controversy lives on as a mob of angry academics tries to run Summers out of Cambridge. Where did Summers err? To start with, he concentrated on the wrong gender. If, for example, Summers had said that men are less likely to play the role of primary caregiver in the home, say, because men tend to be less nurturing than women, academia would have applauded his insight. There would be no charges of sexism, as sexism against men is no problem in the Ivy League. Summers' next mistake was to be male. In his infamous speech to the National Bureau of Economic Research, Summers noted that women often don't want to work the hours needed to get to the top and that girls are "socialized toward nursing" while boys are "socialized toward building bridges." The quote that killed him: "In the special case of science and engineering, there are issues of intrinsic aptitude, and particularly of the variability of aptitude, and that those considerations are reinforced by what are, in fact, lesser factors involving socialization and continuing discrimination." Women say -- or imply -- the same thing all the time. They demand work schedules that are friendly to mothers. They observe that women excel in social and verbal arenas -- and that's no biggie. But when a man says about women what women say about women, it can be career-ending offense. Summers' third mistake was that he did not treat women badly. Take Summer's' old boss, Bill Clinton, who was able to date while married, as his top female staffers (who considered themselves feminists) strove to protect him from nubile workers. In this politically correct era, words speak louder than actions: You can act like a sexist cad, but you can't talk as if you think a sexist cad conceivably might have a point. Summers' fourth mistake was that he was reasonable. Before his remarks on women in science, Summers noted that he might be wrong and that he didn't think it was right that there were differences in gender socialization. If Summers sounded like a deranged, uneducated misanthrope, however, Harvard Yard would be filled with protesters citing the need for -- all bow -- "academic freedom." As it is, rare voices, such as that of law professor Alan Dershowitz, have invoked academic freedom in Summers' defense. But Dershowitz's take is by no means universal. A Harvard Crimson poll of the university's Arts and Letters faculty found that a disgraceful 32 percent of respondents said Summers should resign, while 55 percent said he should not. Meanwhile, the "academic freedom" lobby has mobilized in support of University of Colorado, Boulder, ethnic studies professor Ward Churchill, who wrote a piece that called the Sept. 11 victims "little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the Twin Towers." Churchill later tried to excuse the piece by explaining that he was targeting "people who function in investment and brokerage and trading capacity" because their activities lead to mass misery and death in the Third World. Apparently, you don't have to be even remotely academic to hide behind academic freedom. Or could it be that academic freedom only works for those on the left or the far left? Summers already had won ill will among Harvard's left for opposing university divestment from Israel, for questioning the academic performance of African American professor Cornel West (who split for Princeton) and for supporting a return of the ROTC on campus. Academic freedom for members of the military? -- I guess that would be taking academic freedom too far. After all, it would be wrong for academia to treat reserve officers -- the men and women who protect this country -- as equals. No, the ivory tower is too special for that. Then, after banning the ROTC, Harvard profs whined that Summers is "dismissive and arrogant" -- as one professor told the Boston Herald. Dismissive and arrogant? If anything, Summers is too accommodating. He keeps apologizing and promising to be more sensitive and a better listener when he ought to be blasting his critics for their intolerant rush to exile people who express unpopular ideas. My advice to the Harvard president: Don't apologize and promise to be a better listener. Be a man.

    Re: Colo. Governor Owens: More to Say on Ward Chur (none / 0) (#48)
    by Kitt on Thu Feb 24, 2005 at 11:05:45 AM EST
    The discussion is on Ward Churchill not Mr. Summers. Jim - Did you see the retraction of the Honolulu paper?

    MB: two words for you--"fair use."

    Two words for the Chuchill defenders on this board: total hypocrites

    One more word, MB: hyperlink!

    MB at February 24, 2005 11:41 AM true wignut, deflect (word of the day) to another issue.

    You mean this retraction? (Or at least a report on it?)

    Churchill said nothing to incite terrorism. He did say something quite insensitive, and definitely provocative. But his point does stand on its own - we stood by idly while our government expanded its control into the Islamic Middle East states, and the Wahabbist sect has been able to promote that into its current power base. Here's a News Flash!: they don't "hate us for our freedom".

    As for the Harvard President's comment, it too was insensitive, but it, too was taken out of context. Deny to me that there are differences in male/female physiology; I'll accept it if you've been locked in a room with no windows and an Internet with no images all your life.

    He was discussing all the possibilities, and touched the third rail of gender politics - one that probably needs a sensitive review one of these days.

    Said nothing to incite terrorism?? What do you call this then? And why by the way did it take Arabs to do what people here should have done a long time ago? - Ward Churchill You don’t send the Black Liberation Army into Wall Street to conduct an action. You don’t send the American Indian Movement into downtown Seattle to conduct an action. Who do you send? You. Your beard shaved, your hair cut close, and wearing a banker’s suit. - Ward Churchill Go here for the audio.

    He. You miss the point entirely. That's not terrorism. That's justice. See. You just have to read this stuff long enough and you'll understand. If Americans are killed by enemies of the US, it isn't terrorism. Do try to keep up.

    Kitt - yes

    LOL - Ok, Jim - good answer and succinct.

    Suggestion : if you quote ANYTHING Ward has said or written...please don't "grab" certain sentances. This takes things out of context. Example : "Words build bridges into unexplored regions" - Adolf Hitler Sounds great as a standalone sentance. But if you read all of Mein Kampf, you would get a totally different picture.

    Good caution, Curtis. Although going all contextual on Ward may have the same result as looking at the totality of Mein Kampf. Do we do the same for members of the current administration.

    Instapundit continues to post on this issue --using it to bash other people [insult deleted, commenter warned]