
Server Move Complete

Our server move went off without a hitch, another big thanks to the folks at Hosting Matters. We'll be back posting tomorrow.

TalkLeft's comment policy has been updated. A permanent link to the policy is provided on the front page under the word "More."

In the meantime, here's some news of interest:

And a feel-good story:

  • Who is Gary and why are people saying such nice things to him

And some Oscars' Coverage:

  • The Two Johnnys, excellent in-depth profile and interview with Johnny Depp, that originally appeared in Rolling Stone
  • Drudge on a rejected Robin Williams skit lampooning evangelist James Dobson. The deleted lines which Williams intended to lisp:

"Pinocchio's had his nose done! Sleeping Beauty is popping pills!

"The Three Little Pigs ain't kosher! Betty Boop works Beverly Hills!"

"Fred Flintstone is dyslexic, Jessica Rabbit is really a man, Olive Oyl is really anorexic, and Casper is in the Ku Klux Klan!"

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