
Server Move Complete

Our server move went off without a hitch, another big thanks to the folks at Hosting Matters. We'll be back posting tomorrow.

TalkLeft's comment policy has been updated. A permanent link to the policy is provided on the front page under the word "More."

In the meantime, here's some news of interest:

And a feel-good story:

  • Who is Gary and why are people saying such nice things to him

And some Oscars' Coverage:

  • The Two Johnnys, excellent in-depth profile and interview with Johnny Depp, that originally appeared in Rolling Stone
  • Drudge on a rejected Robin Williams skit lampooning evangelist James Dobson. The deleted lines which Williams intended to lisp:

"Pinocchio's had his nose done! Sleeping Beauty is popping pills!

"The Three Little Pigs ain't kosher! Betty Boop works Beverly Hills!"

"Fred Flintstone is dyslexic, Jessica Rabbit is really a man, Olive Oyl is really anorexic, and Casper is in the Ku Klux Klan!"

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    Re: Server Move Complete (none / 0) (#1)
    by Che's Lounge on Sun Feb 27, 2005 at 08:49:34 AM EST
    The NYT article on privatization (or is it profitization?) of healthcare in prisons and jails was very enlightnening. At least the NY AG's office isn't off fishing for abortion recs (that I know of). As a member of the medical community, and now a teacher of same, I plan to follow Prison Health Services' activities. I'm also going to improve my knowledge of private prison heath services in my own state. Thanks TL.