
Christian Groups Fund Drug Treatment and Rehab Skills Programs

In Appalachia, a Christian foundation has decided not to wait for the Government and its drug war to help their communities.

In the latest initiative, the Christian Appalachian Project announced Friday that it plans to invest $1 million to open long-term rehabilitation centers in Eastern Kentucky to help drug abusers to break their addictions. Bill Mills, president of the ministry that has fed and clothed the poor in Appalachia for 40 years, said churches and other Christian organizations are stepping forward to deal with the drug problem.

"Substance abuse is a plague upon our Eastern Kentucky communities," he said. "It is the most dominant and devastating of the problems we face today. We simply are choosing to be part of the solution."

Here's how they are doing it:

They're opening drug rehabilitation centers, taking part in large anti-drug rallies, reaching into their pocketbooks to help pay for detoxification, starting neighborhood watch programs, monitoring drug cases from arraignment to sentencing in local courts, and working one-on-one with recovering addicts to encourage them to stay drug-free.

Besides drug rehabilitation, the Christian Appalachian Project will provide job training for addicts, teach parenting skills, and even teach them to read and write if necessary. The organization also is encouraging churches to adopt recovering addicts after they complete rehabilitation to offer support and encouragement to stay off drugs. "We want to give them a new lease on life," he said.

I'm in favor of this. It's not the Government, so there's no First Amendment problem with separation of church and state. The threat of jail is not hanging directly over anyone's head. While the article is silent on how much religious instruction in provided to the participants, it doesn't sound as if they'd try to "reform" an atheist or convert a Jewish person, Buddhist or other non-Christian. In fact, if synagogues and other non-Christian religious and spriritual foundations would get on the bandwagon, so people had a choice of which program to participate in, this could be an even bigger win all around. [link via U.S. Marijuana Party blog.]

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    Walking the walk.

    These people are neither compassionate nor conservative. One only needs to look at the works of the godly John Ashcroft to know that the true Christian response would be for them to build their own prison for hellbound dope smokers, in accordance with the teachings of Republican Jesus.

    Oh, Republican Jesus also mandates frathouse-style prison fun like electrical shocks, death by exposure and menstrual face-painting.

    There is a wide range of behavior within any faith community - from the christians who want to work with drug addiction to the christians who want to nuke Iran. Just like there are muslims who want to build schools and take care of their children and muslims who want to blow up buildings. It looks to me like the Christian or Muslim identification doesn't really capture the problem. It would be convenient if it did. I appreciate anyone sincerely trying to help another person. Hating christians or muslims because they are christians or muslims or because of things other christians or muslims have done doesn't really move us along imho.

    Re: Christian Groups Fund Drug Treatment and Rehab (none / 0) (#5)
    by Richard Aubrey on Sun Mar 13, 2005 at 07:59:21 PM EST
    There's a difference, though, conscious. The speech police won't get you for hating Christians.

    "Hating Christians" is SUCH a pejorative term and thoroughly unhelpful. "Opposing Bush," on the other hand, is much less argumentative and has the additional virtue of being both true and fact-based. In any case, the thought police has been persecuting this opposition since before Dubya's first appointment to the presidency.

    RA - I am a born-again, so I am sensitive to hate speech directed at those of who hear Jesus's call "follow me." I don't consider myself thought police, but I will occasionally confront bigotry and prejudice and Ihave never suffered fools well. Because of concern that polarizing confrontation leads nowhere, my idea of confrontation is as posted above or a relatively soft question. "In your face" does not work as well as "to your heart."

    Super skeptic - I think the problem is that this article has nothing to do with Bush, yet the typical republican response suggests that all christians share the politics and sensibilities (sic) of Ashcroft or Pat Robertson. That's no more the case than that all muslims share the politics and sensibilities of Osama.

    "In your face" does not work as well as "to your heart."
    excellent thought!

    Such programs could be a godsend if handled properly. My only concern is that these humanitarian programs should avoid brow-beating those inpatients who do not wish to participate in the ecclesiastical portion of the program. There are many "humanitarian" organizations out there which refuse aid to those who disagree with the religious indoctrination which often accompanies this "humanitarian" aid. The former has my unwavering support, the latter is hypocrisy at its worst.

    Re: Christian Groups Fund Drug Treatment and Rehab (none / 0) (#11)
    by Che's Lounge on Mon Mar 14, 2005 at 08:45:32 AM EST
    Braincramp, Like this?

    Re: Christian Groups Fund Drug Treatment and Rehab (none / 0) (#12)
    by Che's Lounge on Mon Mar 14, 2005 at 08:50:11 AM EST
    BC, Sorry. I got schtupped by the CO. Just google 2003 Iraq water for baptism to see how SOME religious individuals treat their flock.

    Or this perhaps, Che?

    anything coming out of or supported by libertyU, the700 club, etc., is suspect. regardless of their placation.

    why do people need drugs and why is it that our government is helping the drug dealers in mexico with open borders? and mass banking help from bush and business? do not follow this insane government into the hell it wants you to be in.

    Some of you folks need a life if a Christian organization putting up a mil of their own money to help people stop their addictions creates such anti-christian crap. When did such a large chunk of "liberals" lose their compassion and community base. Makes an old radical sick, it does

    Fleet. New here?

    richard: Commented on a few things over a relatively short period of time