Wow. She blew me away. The woman totally kicked his $200 an hour a*s. It was incredible theatre. I'm a truly truly truly impressed. For all the sh*t folks give Ana (aka Wonkette), and she gets sh*t, she did us proud today. Not to rehash the entire saga, but there's been some concern among liberal political bloggers that the the mainstream media always picks Wonkette to represent serious political blogging at panel discussions, etc., when she's not a serious political blogger, rather she's a raunchy political humorist. A very, VERY funny raunchy political humorist, but still, if you're a serious political commentator, it's understandable that you'd get tired of people always having you represented by a comedienne, even a very funny one.
Anyway, she kicked GG's a*s today. Relentless. I think he ticked her off when he started defending Armstrong Williams by saying the administration had to pay him because none of the mainstream media would report fairly on No Child Left Behind. I get the feeling that while she plays one on the Web, this is a woman who tolerates no fools. Kudos.
More over at Wonkette. Crooks and Liars adds,:
Most popular question for Gannon from an off-camera audience member after the panel ended. "DID YOU EVER SLEEP WITH SCOTT McCLELLAN? It comes at the end of the video.